Imagine that all your 5 senses were taken away from you; what would you do?! Sensory deprivation us just that, when you are not allowed to use any of your senses. When the brain is deprived of stimulation it is torture some say. Some countries used it to brain wash people, and others used as an interrogation method. When studying the effects of sensory deprivation, six volunteers were placed in a test concerning sensory deprivation. They were isolated for 48 hours, to test the effects on their brains. All of them were made simple questions before the experiment. Then, the examiners covered the subjects’ eyes, ears, and hands, and the volunteers were locked in small, dark rooms. After 24 hours, the volunteers were extremely bored. They were walking endlessly back and forth, talked alone, and had hallucinations. After 48 hours, the volunteers had finished the experiment, and were completely paralyzed when hearing a voice from the speaker telling them that the experiment had finished due to the fact that they had gotten used to the silence. They were given a second test after the experiment. The tests before the experiment were way better than the tests after the experiment. The lack of stimulation had negatively affected their brains. Sensory deprivation is definitely a mental torture; the degree of boredom is intolerable. The human brain needs stimulation to become healthy. People exposed to sensory deprivation can be traumatized and can suffer from anxiety and hallucinations. Brain connections are lost and one can surely end up crazy.
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