Mind Reading
How many people have wished to know what your kids, parents, friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands or wives are thinking? Mind reading is considered a myth, but with the advance in technology scientists have actually managed to look inside people's brain and understanding what they are thinking about. It is common to think that mind reading is only for people with super natural abilities, but in reality scientists have been working on exploring the brain and actually analyzing our thoughts. Now through functional MRI it makes it possible for scientists to do thought identification (mind reading). When people are put to the test they are made to think about an object for example hammer, then what the MRI does is detect the parts of the brain that you brain uses to detect hammer, and n people it is mostly the same parts. Scientists can also tell what people’s intentions are. For example they might show you two numbers and you think either of subtracting or adding, the MRI will detect what were your intentions in that specific situation. Other MRIs can tell if you are lying or not, others tell whether you had seen a place before or not. These technological advances will soon be used in criminal investigations to know if a person knows a certain place, or to know if a person is lying about what they are testifying to. It is an estimation to say that in about 5 years MRIs will read more complex thoughts.
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